Wednesday, July 16, 2003

He's baaack. Yeah, well, yeah. Been a rough couple of months and just decided that updating this page wasn't worth it. Well, I may not do daily updates, but I plan on getting around to this a few times a week.

I'm currently addicted to Star Wars Galaxies. While the game has just launched, and it's a bit devoid of content, I am enjoying myself so far. I'm playing the role of an armorsmith and am enjoying the change in gameplay that this provides. Granted, it's not terribly exiciting, but I'm not bashing monster x over and over again either. Plus, I'm based in Mos Eisley, and that is just wicked cool.

My new toy is being built, and I can't wait to get a hold of it for all my gaming needs. :)

"It's totally stupid and gay!"

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