After arriving home very, very, very early on Saturday morning from Florida, I'll be out of the office for yet another week. While at the conference last week, the folks back home were busy trying to get a recently approved project up and running. They weren't kidding and I'm finding myself hopping in the car this evening and heading to Hollywood. Since the training is during regular business hours and the drive would just be too much to handle, I grabbed a room in Hollywood.

On one hand, I'd rather be in the office this week to catch up from last week. On the other hand, I've only done day trips to Hollywood, so the evenings should be interesting. We'll see how out and about I get.
Oh, and about those photos from last week. The wireless cloud at the convention, quite frankly, sucked. I gave up even trying somewhere on Monday. The photos will be posted shortly, when I can find a spare minute.