Friday, April 27, 2007


This is why I hate Californians (full disclosure: I'm a life long Californian). I'm at the gym this morning and as I'm preparing to brush my teeth and shave, the gentleman next to me, whom I've never met or said word one too, says, "I can tell you're not from California."

Long dramatic pause. Okay, I'll bite. I say, "Why is that?"

"You're letting the water run, so you probably don't know about how we used to ration water and fuel."

My response, "I can tell you're not a Marine."

"Why is that?"

"Because I'll be ready to go to work in about five minutes, while you're still primping yourself here at the sink saving water."

I turned and walked off, took my two minute shower, got dressed and went to work. He's probably still over there taking a shower as I write this.

Hey, in all fairness, he does have a point, but the problem is this: most Californians will give you their point unsolicited and that's why people hate us. I hate us too.


jediyaya said...

LOVE IT! He probably choked on his toothpaste! Wish I could come back with responses fast like that. :), L.

Marc G said...

Brilliant! Nice retort.