Okay, dokey, my Amazon Wish List has been updated! Feel free to buy everything for me; it's okay. I won't mind!

Dispatches from the 909
Last year's snow day
This happened last year during our bizarre winter and I about fell out of bed trying to get my head wrapped around all the white stuff on the ground and what the heck it was doing in Beaumont. The kids weren't at my home last time, so I'm really hoping they get to see that tomorrow!
Pure evil
It’s bad enough that I’m watching episodes of Lost and The Office while working out on the elliptical machine. Now my official entry to The Bad Place occurred when I had the bright idea to bring my Blackberry to the elliptical machine. Yes, there I was, huffing and puffing and burning all of those calories while pecking little e-mails away to all of my colleagues.
30 minutes elapsed and I had cleared my inbox and by default, challenged my friend to a mayoral runoff for The Bad Place. The upside? Time spent in The Bad Place is billable. ;)
My new pride and joy!
The main course was Coq au Vin, which I had never prepared before. True to its reputation, creating this dish requires some serious planning. Although I have to hand it to Alton Brown for creating a recipe that allows you to do most of the cooking and cleanup days in advance. All that remains on the day of service is to roast the dish for a few hours and then to prepare the sauce. Which means the cook can partake in the conversation and the wine without worrying too much about the cooking!
The lucky diners...
I have to say that the Coq au Vin turned out just perfect. The meat was extremely tender and very flavorful and the wine sauce was absolutely delicious. My only regret was not being able to make more servings! Next time around, I’m gong to have a white roux standing by to help thicken the sauce. Try as I might with the suggestion of mixing flour with butter then adding it to the sauce; it still was too thin.
Dessert was a Crème Brulee Tart, recipe courtesy of Wolfgang Puck. Wow. Just wow. The Crème Brulee turned out absolutely perfect, although I had problems getting the tart shells just right. I did not have a blow torch on hand, so I used the oven broiler, which turned out to be a mistake since it turned the Crème Brulee into soup. Delicious soup, but not the consistency I was going for. And what’s the deal with a vanilla bean costing as much as $12 at the store? That’s the only downside to this recipe.
Plenty of champagne and wine!
As always, the night was full of conversation, wine and great friends becoming even greater. It’s difficult to get everyone’s schedules together so that we can spend an evening together, but when it happens, it’s nothing short of magical! I’m already looking forward to next time!